Learn more about expanding your company into Australia. Schedule a 1-on-1 call today.

Expand your company globally, using Australia as your sandbox.

Create your global growth playbook and access experts, commercial partners and governments in Australia to grow your company beyond Singapore.

The GIA Singapore-Australia Market Accelerator consists of 6 months of virtual and in person support and guidance to help you succeed.

Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis.
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A program to grow into Australia first, then global.

Supported by Enterprise Singapore, this program is designed to accelerate and de-risk your global expansion and deliver commercial outcomes in Australia.
10-week virtual onboarding program with a series of masterclasses focusing on industry-specific insights, market expansion strategies and customer development frameworks in Australia
5 day trade mission and matchmaking in Australia
6 months of mentorship and in-country support

Support to achieve your goals

Create your global growth playbook

Use our tried and tested frameworks to create a global growth strategy. Join workshops and learn from founders who have done it before. 

Access growth, fundraising and industry experts

Work with our growth and industry mentors to refine your business development and marketing strategies for Australia and beyond. 

Implement your strategy in Australia

Work with an individual mentor, who is a domain expert, throughout your expansion journey. Build your local network and book complimentary sessions with vetted service providers.

What you get in the program

Targeted introductions across Australia
Support to build your growth playbook
1-on-1 mentoring from industry experts
The opportunity to meet and mingle with founders, investors and governments
6-months’ coworking space in Sydney
Access to vetted service providers
Trade mission to Australia*
Educational masterclasses
How it works

Program structure

This is an intensive 6-month program with virtual and physical components.

The GIA Singapore-Australia Market Accelerator (GIA Sydney and Melbourne) is partially funded by Enterprise Singapore. Participants are required to pay a co-contribution investment of SGD $5,495. 

By the end of the program, you will have:
Produced a market-entry strategy for Australia
Begun validating or implementing your strategy
Built a curated initial local network in Australia
Connected with potential partners and customers

Want to learn more?

Book a 1-on-1 chat with us here.
Applications open for Cohort #3

Submit your application before the deadline. Applications will be reviewed and accepted on a rolling basis. We will reach out to you to schedule an interview if there is potential.

June - August, 2024

Virtual Education
Regular masterclasses, live workshops and founders’ experiences to help you understand the fundamentals of doing business in Australia.

There may be changes to topics based on cohort needs.

1-on-1 Mentoring
Work with an individual mentor from day 1 to help create and validate your market-entry strategy. Your mentor will provide feedback, challenge your assumptions, and help you determine your next steps.

Connections & Action Plan
Work with your mentor to come up with a list of targeted connections and goals. We will work to achieve those goals during the program and help you build your network.

Vetted Service Providers
Book complimentary sessions with mentors, accountants, lawyers, immigration agents, recruiters, marketers and more through the online dashboard.

September, 2024

Set potential customer meetings, build partnerships, attend industry briefings and networking events and plug into the local ecosystem. Experience Australia in person.

*Flights, accommodation and food costs are covered by the participant.

September - November, 2024

Continue to refine your customer development based on your in-country findings. Learnings will be supported by founder experience and peer-to-peer sessions, additional workshops where required and further curated introductions and connections.

Free Sydney Office
Receive six months of coworking credits that you may redeem within a year of graduation. Our coworking hub is located in Sydney CBD.

For companies of all kinds, especially those with an intrinsic connection to Australia
Green, climate, energy, agritech
Fintech, reg tech, cyber & security
Smart cities, infrastructure, construction
Enterprise blockchain
Education and edutech
Medtech, machine learning & robotics
Get in touch with us!

Chat with us to learn more

Learn more about expanding your company into Australia. Find out why tech companies are flocking to Australia and meet the HHQ team.

Schedule a 1-on-1 call today.

50 companies
Supported with their expansion into Australia
$1.2 billion
Combined valuation of program participants
*This includes participants from our other Australia-specific landing pad programs.

Common Questions

Our team is here to answer any questions you might have.
Are there any program costs? Will you take equity?
The GIA Singapore-Australia Market Accelerator is supported by Enterprise Singapore as official partner for the Global Innovation Alliance (GIA).

If selected for the program, most of the participation costs will be funded by Enterprise Singapore for Singapore companies.

A fee of SGD $5,495 will be paid by participating companies.
Are flights and accommodation provided for participants?
Participants are expected to arrange their own transport and accommodation for the in-market immersion portion of the program.
What is the time commitment?
There is approximately 16 hours of content spread over 10 weeks, excluding your 1-on-1 mentoring sessions.

Participants are also expected to spend their own time outside of the program to complete their market expansion strategy, prepare their pitch, reach out to partners and prospective customers and to prepare any other materials.
Who are the mentors who will be working with me?
Our mentors are drawn from our pool of entrepreneurs, experienced investors and industry leaders with deep expertise in their fields. They will be able to provide targeted Australia specific advice based on your business objectives and priorities. In addition, we select mentors based on the profiles and industries of the startups in each cohort to provide specific value to your business.
What type of companies are you looking for?
Singapore-based startups (Singaporean or Singapore Permanent Resident founders that hold at least 30% equity in the company) are eligible for participation and funding in the program.

The program is open to all industries.
How many team members can participate in this program?
Typically, a company would send one of their co-founders or a senior manager to attend the program. If you would like to involve more colleagues from your company, kindly let us know.
Is this program only for tech companies?
This program is open to companies of all sizes and industries. However, tech companies may find more benefit from the program.
Do I have to be present for the entire duration of the program?
While we encourage founders to fully participate in the entire program, we understand that founders often have pressing business needs and personal obligations.

Therefore, full participation is not mandatory. We do require advance notice during times of absence and for you to attend 75% of our sessions.
ESG Australia Program

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Grow and scale your company in the Australia market
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